Great Oaks Legacy Charter School Celebrate 100% College Acceptance

Great Oaks Legacy Charter School Celebrate 100% College Acceptance

Congrats to Great Oaks Legacy Charter School that is celebrating not only its first ever senior class, but also 100% of their seniors have received college acceptances to over 350 colleges and universities with over $2 million in first-year scholarships (over $8 million in four year awards). 

Great Oaks 100 days to graduation

Last week, March 3rd, Great Oaks celebrated their first senior brunch and 100 day countdown to graduation at NICO. Attendees included Councilwoman Chaneyfield Jenkins, the Newark Charter School Fund, the New Jersey Charter Schools Association, and Tia Morris of Teach for America.

Great Oaks students

Great Oaks teachers

(Photos courtesy of Caleb Tenacious/Great Oaks Charter School)

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