Inside Newark Museum’s MakerSPACE

Inside Newark Museum’s MakerSPACE

The Newark Museum soft opened their MakerSPACE during the Mini Maker Faire in April however it is now open during all museum hours on a regular basis (Wed-Sun 12-5pm) and like the museum FREE to Newark residents.

Lego wall at Makerspace

The MakerSPACE is an interactive permanent exhibit designed to encourage visitors of all ages to make connections with the Museum’s collections and their own creativity. The SPACE includes a Lego wall, clay to make pots and casts, a tessellating mirror to create replicating patterns, and lastly the “Step into the City” interactive 3D painting- inspired by Joseph Stella’s Voices of the City. There are also tools to build and create sculptures, foam blocks, microscopes, transportation table and much more.

Digital Lab at MakerSpace

The Digital Maker LAB is equipped with computers, 3D printers, Arduino circuits and software demonstrations and more. It is not yet available for public use, but they plan to host facilitated classes in the future.

According to Ryan Reedel, the manager of the MakerSPACE we can look forward to unique programming for makers of all ages that links tinkering with exhibits in the museums and an expansion of the space in the future with some saws, lasers and tools for the publc to view. 

Blocks at MakerSpace

Starting after July 4th, the museum will open at 11am on Wednesdays and Fridays for wee ones under the age 5 to explore the SPACE before early naptimes (thanks to NewarkMommies). 

For more information, visit


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Train table at MakerSpace

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