Newark Youth Court is Recruiting for 2014

Newark Youth Court is Recruiting for 2014

The Newark Youth Court trains teenagers to serve as jurors, judges and advocates, handling real- life cases involving their peers. The goal of the Newark Youth Court is to use positive peer pressure to ensure that young people who have committed minor offenses restore harm done to the community and receive the help they need to avoid further involvement in the justice system. The Newark Youth Court hears a range of low-level offenses referred by the Newark Police Department, the Newark Municipal Court and Newark Public Schools. The majority of cases that come to the Newark Youth Court are for truancy, simple assault (fighting) and disorderly conduct.

Youth court members:
- Hear real-life cases for youths who have committed minor offenses
- Serve their communities by helping other teens
- Learn about the justice system, public speaking skills and how to be a leader
- Build their resumes and college applications
- Can earn community service hours for their participation
- Can earn a stipend for active participation

Our youth court members are youth between the ages of 14-18 who live in the City of Newark and have a deep passion for improving their communities. In our current group of members, we have talented writers, artists, debaters, and aspiring social workers, lawyers, judges, and future leaders. There is no GPA requirement to apply.

All Newark Youth Court members first go through a training program in which they learn about the justice system, how youth court works, and how to serve as judge, advocate, bailiff and jury. Most important, they learn how to work together as a team. Every youth who successfully completes the training program can become a full member of the Newark Youth Court. Click on the button below to apply!


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