Newark’s Comic Book Hero

Newark’s Comic Book Hero

As a child, I truly wanted to be "into" comic books. There often about heroes with super powers. They stood up for the righteous, in a fight against evil and tyranny. There was always an urban backdrop. The artwork and drawing blew cartoons out of the box.

But, it just never stuck. I could never relate. I never could find a character like me.

Fortunately, Naseed Gifted and Dilettante Bass felt the same way, and decided to do something about it.

Springing from PBS Unlimited, clothing company focused on positivity and consciousness, the team set about to create a comic book for a new age. Driven by his interactions with his son, Naseed, who serves as the creative director and writer, decided to create hero, to which his son can relate that was Black and not demonic, like so many of the heroes of color in the past.

The premise behind the series is intergenerational, where the main character, P.B. Solider, is often visited by his ancestors through visions. These ancestral visions come in different scenarios, to aid the protagonist in his quest for justice against a rogue state.

The team sums up the storyline as a hodgepodge of the Matrix, Book of Eli, and Roots, set against a backdrop that mirrors the technological and political climates of today. With strong character development, which will include the hero-fication of current hip-hop artists, the team is looking to create an animated series out of the comic. They have been building a strong customer and follower base within the comic, gaming, skate boarding, and hip-hop communities, which are based in the youth and are all rapidly growing population segments.

The team has also created a strong merchandising campaign, with hats, tees, and skate board decks.

Besides stardom and apparel, the team is looking to score goals within education. Both Naseed and Dilettante are graduates of Science High School (now Science Park High School) and NJIT. They would like to see P.B. Soldier integrated with the common core across the Newark school system, with its positive messaging and historical contexts interwoven throughout the plot and story lines.

The team has also been mentoring your groups as part of the project. The story is relevant to today's youth, with its message of staying "phocused," and "always resist." We are a city true to the story's motto: "today's threat, tomorrow's hope."

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