Participate in the World’s Largest Print

Participate in the World’s Largest Print

On October 12 (raindate: October 19) from 1-4pm - everyone is asked to come join in the making of the world's largest print. This project was conceived as a way of bringing people from Newark and surrounding communities of Essex County together for the purpose of sharing in a fun, creative and historical experience.

At least 500 people are needed as participants. Anyone with a desire to have fun, be creative, play and enjoy working on a very large community art project is invited to help make this print. All materials will be provided. You bring your hands we give you the ink (water-based of course).

The chosen theme is The River of Life. This theme reflects our concern for water and its essentialness for life. As a world, water is now far and away our most precious resource and a river is an ecosystem for plant and wildlife as well as for commerce and recreation.

For those not familiar with the process, printmaking is the art of transference. An image is created on one surface, inked and then transferred to another surface by way of pressure - like a steam roller! The pressure from the steamroller causes the painted image to be transferred onto the paper, creating what is known as a Monotype print. Normally printmaking is done in a studio and the work is, relatively speaking, small. However, in this case it's going to be REALLY big print, about 1900 square feet to be exact. This project will attempt to establish a new world record to ultimately be verified by Guinness Book of Records.

Following its completion the print will be displayed for public viewing at the Seton Hall Law School Atrium for four month.

Anyone interested in volunteering to help with the project please contact Stephen McKenzie. Email is:

This project funded by the Newark Arts Council and is a part of Open Doors 2013.

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