Shabazz Documentary win New York Emmy

Shabazz Documentary win New York Emmy

"Saving Shabazz," the documentary on Malcolm X Shabazz High School, has won an Emmy! The long-shot battle to transform a failing school, examines how Principal Gemar Mills, head football coach, Darnell Grant, and the Malcolm X Shabazz administrative team, all worked together to implement football-style discipline. The new model focused on improving grades, developing a strict culture and promoting self-discipline. When Mr. Mills decided to take on the role of principal of Malcolm X Shabazz High School, students had not met the educational standards and the beloved school was on the verge of closure. However, within a four (4) month period of the documentary, the school's environment changed and students were regularly attending class with the intent to learn. In addition, the uniform policy was strictly enforced and teachers and faculty were no longer threatened by the students. Now in year three (3), Mr. Mills, his administrative team, and the entire school have seen overall success and gains in test scores and their graduation rate. Malcolm X Shabazz High School graduates are attending two (2) and four (4) year colleges and receiving full and partial scholarships. In addition, students have developed a "sense of pride" in themselves and within their school. Students now realize that through hard-work and dedication their goals are obtainable. Students attending Malcolm X Shabazz High School have the opportunity to participate in paid summer internships and become a member of the "Dream Team" through Future Project.

Journalists from the Star Ledger won the New York Emmy. See the video about the documentary and the school below

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