Stop Shootin Business Plan Competition Winners

Stop Shootin Business Plan Competition Winners

Stop Shootin' Inc. hosted their second annual Summer Youth Entrepreneurship Business Plan competition. The competition was part of the Stop Shootin' "YEP" Program, a community-based summer program designed to inspire young people from low-income communities to stay in school, to recognize business opportunities and to plan for successful futures. The six-week teaching process culminated in the participants' creation of full business plans and delivery of 5-minute oral presentations to an executive judging panel at the business pitch competition last Thursday. Three cash prizes ($500, $300, $200) were given to participants for the best business plans. The YEP Program was made possible by a generous donation by The Prudential Foundation. Other Sponsors include Victoria Foundation, The United Way of Essex & West Hudson, and the Provident Bank Foundation.

"These kids have worked hard all summer and have intensively prepared for this competition. Each year the bar gets raised as the business plans improve and the students hone their presentation skills," said Yusef Ismail, Founder of Stop Shootin' Inc.

This year's winners were brothers - Malik Stanton-Wrice, 16, and Ali Youngblood, 15, who live in the South Ward and attend St. Mary's in Elizabeth. Their winning business plan was for "Stanton Brothers Landscaping" a lawn care and snow removal company. They are active in sports and the community helping Little League Fields with their mowing. Malik is hoping for a baseball scholarship or joining the Marines and Ali is planning on the Army. We wish them both good luck in their future endeavors.

Other winners:
2nd Place: Destiny Wilson - "Destiny's Efficient & Quality
Advertising", Advertising Business 3rd Place: TyAsia
Bullock - "Kitchen Kreations", Children's Culinary Lessons

Other participants include:
Yuri & Cynthia Febo - "Moonlight Bakery", Baking Business
Quatasia M. Page -"Kid Friendly", Childcare Center
Jose D. Febo - "Earthbound Delivery", Delivery Service
Ebony K. Brown - "No Adults Allowed", Teen Magazine

For further information, please visit the Stop Shootin' website at

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