Weekend Highlights: May 17 & 18 2014

Weekend Highlights: May 17 & 18 2014

Nearly 50 homes participated in the second annual Forest Hill Community Garage Sale. There were also open houses for future residents to peruse. (See pictures from last year).

community education
Over 250 people gathered in Lincoln Park to hear the community created revised education plan. The event was co-sponsored by many groups like the Youth Media Symposium, Newark Student Union, People Unified for Local School Education, NAACP, Newark Parents Union, Newark Teachers Association and many more. It showcased a true community spirit. You can find their vision here.

Opening of Military Park
The new and improved Military Park was open for the weekend and had visitors reading on park benches, young people playing frisbee, kids playing tag on the lush grass, people reading, chatting, and more. The park offers a schedule of activities that begins this week.

Breya (Blkbrry Molassez) hosted a vintage clothing sale on Sunday at Cut Creators on Halsey Street and had everything from shirts, shoes, handbags, jewelry, accessories and more. This will be a monthly event so stay tuned for the next one.

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