Restaurants near Prudential Center
If you're looking to grab a meal either before or after a show/game at the Prudential Center (PruCenter). There are more options continually growing in this area - many are walking distance.
- Directly around the arena:
Chipotle - on Market Street
Dinosaur BBQ -on Market Street.
Edison Ale House -on Edison Place.
Joe's Crab Shack - is around the corner on Broad Street
Mercato Tomato Pie - on Market Street
Novelty Burger & Bar - next door to Mercato
Taste Venue - on Edison Place. - Close by near the parking lots is:
Chateau of Spain - Not too far away to the west is Newark Landmark -
Hobby's Deli - Walk down Mulberry towards NJPAC
Queen's Pizzeria & Chinese food on Commerce Street